
Here is information on the free trade agreement between the European Commission and Switzerland.

Trade agreement with Switzerland

The agreement is intended to facilitate trade in products of animal origin by equating each country’s sanitary measures, for example legislation, control systems and hygiene requirements.

A new agreement between the EU and Switzerland on agricultural products entered into force on 1 January 2002 and a new agreement on processed agricultural products on 1 February 2005. The agreement was extended on 1 January 2009 to suspend veterinary border controls on the movement of animals and products of animal origin between Switzerland and the EU. This means that the Swiss are responsible for checking compliance with EU import requirements when products of animal origin enter Switzerland from a third country and that trade between the EU and Switzerland is considered to take place within the single market. There is therefore no need for border controls on products of animal origin imported to Sweden from Switzerland.

Trade agreements between the EU and non-EU countries

Reviewed 2024-06-18