Import of kitchen- and tableware from China and the Hong Kong region

Do you import polyamide or melamine plastic kitchen- and tableware from China and the Hong Kong region? In this case, they must be checked before they can be imported into the EU. The reason is that a chemical substance (plastic monomers) can migrate from polyamide and melamine kitchen- and tableware items made in China or Hong Kong. The plastic monomers that can be emitted from the kitchenware are carcinogenic and allergenic.

Please note that as of 1 September 2024 border control is also required for tableware.

Kitchen- and tableware are plastic products that are intended to come into contact with food. Examples of kitchenware are spatulas, soup ladles, whisks and garlic presses. Examples of tableware are plates, bowls, platters, mugs and cutlery.

Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2011 requires polyamide or melamine plastic kitchen- and tableware from China and the Hong Kong region to be checked at the border control before entering the EU.

Combined Nomenclature codes (CN codes)

There is a specific CN code for polyamide or melamine kitchenware coming from China or Hong Kong: 3924 10 00 11.

All consignments with this CN code are covered by the Regulation and is subject to border controls.

There is a specific CN code for kitchenware containing polyamide or melamine coming from third countries other than China and Hong Kong: 3924 10 00 19. Only the consignments that originate from China or Hong Kong, with this CN-code, are subject to border control according to the Regulation.

Tableware of polyamide and melamine has the CN code 3924 10 00 90 and is also subject to border control when originating from China or Hong kong, according to the Regulation.

Import requirements

In accordance with Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 284/2011, the documents that must accompany a consignment of kitchen- and tableware from China or the Hong Kong region include:

– a declaration issued by the importer, as set out in the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 284/2011
– an analytical report, which shall contain the following information:

  • In the case of polyamide kitchen- and tableware, the analysis must show that they do not release primary aromatic amines (PAAs) into food or food simulants in an amount exceeding 0.01 mg/kg.
  • In the case of melamine kitchen- and tableware, the analysis must show that they do not release formaldehyde into food or food simulants in an amount exceeding 15 mg/kg.

Prior notification of the consignment must be made by creating a so-called CHED-D (Common Health Entry Document) in the EU-wide web system TRACES.NT (TRAde Control and Expert System New Technology).

Fees and payment

Reviewed 2025-01-23