NRL Network
List of NRLs
Country | Address | E-mail address |
Austria | Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit Institut für Lebensmittelsicherheit Wien, Austria | |
Belgium | Sciensano, Infectious disease in humans, Foodborne pathogens Rue Juliette. Wytsmanstraat 14, 1050 Brussel, Belgium | |
Bulgaria | National Centre of Food Safety, NDRVI, Bulgarian Food Safety Agency Blvd Pencho Slaveykov 15A, 1040 Sofia, Bulgaria | |
Croatia | Not designated | |
Cyprus shellfish and animal products |
State Veterinary Labotatories, Laboratory for the Control of Animal Origin (LCFAO), Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, 1417 Nicosia, Cyprus | |
Czech republic |
State Veterinary Institute Jihlava | |
Denmark | The National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark Kemitorvet Building 204, Room 060 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark |
Estonia | Not designated | |
Finland | Finnish Food Authority, Mustialankatu 3, FI-00790 Helsinki, Finland |
France animal products |
Anses, Laboratoire de sécurité des aliments (French agency for food, environmental and occupational health safety), site de Maisons-Alfort (LSAI), 14 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 94701 Maisons-Alfort cedex, France | |
France vegetables |
Laboratoire de Montpellier du service commun des laboratoires (SCL), Parc euromédecine, 205 Rue de la croix verte 34196 Montpellier cedex 5, France | |
France shellfish |
Institut français de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (Ifremer) – laboratoire de santé, environnement et microbiologie, site Ifremer de Nantes, rue de l'île d'Yeu BP 21105 44311 Nantes cedex 03, France | |
Germany |
Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Unit Viruses in Food, Department Biological Safety |
Greece shellfish and animal products |
Department of Food Hygiene, 25, Neapoleos Street |
Hungary | Microbiological National Reference Laboratory 81. Mester str. Budapest 1095 Hungary |
Ireland all matrices except shellfish |
The NRL Food Borne Viruses | |
Ireland shellfish |
The Marine Institute, Renville, Oranmore, Co. Galway, Ireland | |
Italy |
Istituto Superiore di Sanità | |
Latvia | Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment “BIOR”, Laboratory of Microbiology and Pathology Lejupes Street 3, Riga, LV1076, Latvia |
Lithuania | National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute Molecular Biology and GMO Research Division J. Kairiukscio st.10 Vilnius Lithuania | |
Luxembourg | Département des Laboratoires de protection de la santé Laboratoire national de santé 1, Rue Louis Rech L-3555 Dudelange |
Malta | Not designated | |
Netherlands |
Microbiological and Chemical Food Analyses Unit Wageningen Food Safety Reseach (WFSR) | |
Netherlands shellfish |
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Centre for Zoonoses and Environmental Microbiology (Z&O) P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, Netherlands | |
Poland | Dział Laboratoryjny Wojewódzkiej Stacji Sanitarno-Epidemiologicznej w Bydgoszczy ul. Kujawska 485-031 Bydgoszcz Poland |
Poland | National Veterinary Research Institute 57, Partyzantow Avenue 24-100 Pulawy, Poland |
Portugal |
Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, I.P. (INSA) Avenida Padre Cruz, 1649-016 Lisboa, Portugal |
Romania | Institute for hygiene and veterinary public health 5 Campul Mosilor, Sector 2, Bucharest, Romainia, Code 021201 | |
Slovak Republic | State veterinary and food institute – Veterinary and food institute DolnÝ Kubín, Jánoškova 1611/58, 026 01 DolnÝ Kubín, Slovakia | |
Slovenia | University of Ljubljana Veterinary Faculty Institute of Food Safety, Feed and Environment, Gerbičeva 60, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia | |
Spain | Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Agency National Center for Food -Centro Nacional de Alimentación (CNA) 28220 Majadahonda. Madrid |
Sweden | Swedish Food Agency Box 622, 751 26 Uppsala, Sweden | |
EFTA Countries | ||
Norway | Norwegian University of Life Science (NMBU) School of Veterinary Science, Box 8146 Dep., NO-0033 Oslo, Norway | |
Switzerland | Federal Institute of Metrology METAS Biological Analysis and References Laboratory Schwarzenburgstrasse 165 CH-3003 Bern Switzerland | |
EU candidate countries | ||
Serbia | Designation in progress |