The processing of personal data at the Swedish Food Agency

Livsmedelsverket, The Swedish Food Agency processes information concerning private individuals and companies. You can read here about what is regarded as personal data, how we handle personal data, and what rights you have.

An item of personal data is any kind of information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a living person who can be identified from the data.

Examples of personal data:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Swedish personal identity number
  • a picture
  • an e-mail address
  • a case’s registration number.

In all of these situations, it may be possible to directly or indirectly link the information to a particular individual.

Processing of personal data

The processing of personal data means, in principle, everything that can be done with the information. This includes, for instance, collecting, registration, retention, or printing out the data.

Personal data held the Swedish Food Agency

When you send an e-mail to us, use an e-service, order informational material, or leave a point of view or send a question via our e-mail form, your personal data is stored. The purpose is for the Swedish Food Agency to be able to reach you when we answer your question or process your case.

On the Swedish Food Agency’s website we process personal data for a variety of reasons, for example ordering of printed matter, and registering for access to certain parts of the web site.


A cookie is a small text file from the website you visit which is saved on your computer. Cookies are used on many websites to facilitate a visitor having access to various features and functions. It is possible to use the information in the cookie to follow a user’s browsing history.

Most browsers are automatically set to accept cookies. If you do not want cookies to be retained and stored on your computer, you can set your browser to notify you when it receives a request to save a cookie. Then you can decide for yourself whether you want to accept the cookie or not. In order for our website and the services that are offered to function optimally, we highly recommend that you accept cookies. 

Web statistics

The Swedish Food Agency collects statistics concerning, among other things, the number of visits to the website, the number of times individual pages are shown, which URLs the visitors come from, and which search engines and keywords are used to access our website. The purpose is to give us an understanding of how we can improve our website and our services and products. This information is not disclosed to third parties.

Your rights as a data subject

As a data subject, you have several rights. If you, as a data subject at with the Swedish Food Agency, desire to exercise your rights or have questions regarding the Agency’s collection, retention and processing of your personal data, you can contact the Swedish Food Agency’s Data Protection Officer.

Data Protection Officer
Livsmedelsverket/Swedish Food Agency
Box 622
751 26 Uppsala

E-mail: – State “Dataskyddsombud” or “Data Protection Officer” in the subject line.

Right of access

You can request information as to whether the Swedish Food Agency processes personal data concerning you and, if so, receive a copy of it – referred to as a register extract - together with some additional information.

Right to rectification

If in your opinion the personal data concerning you is incorrect or incomplete, you may request that the data be corrected or supplemented.

Right to object

When the Swedish Food Agency processes personal data within the framework of the exercise of its public authority or in order to perform other tasks of public interest, you have the right at all times to object to the processing of the data. If the Swedish Food Agency is unable to show that there are compelling, legitimate reasons to continue processing the data, the Swedish Food Agency must cease the processing.

Right to restrict the processing

Under certain circumstances, for example, if you have objected to the processing, you have the possibility to request a restriction of the processing of your personal data. By requesting a restriction, you have, at least for a certain period of time, the possibility to stop the Swedish Food Agency from using the information. This is not an absolute right and does not apply in certain circumstance, for instance to defend legal claims. You can also restrict the Agency from erasing (deleting) the data, for example if you need the information to claim compensation for damages.

Right to erasure of personal data – the right to be forgotten

Under certain circumstances, you may have your personal data deleted. However when your personal data is needed for the Swedish Food Agency to fulfil its assigned responsibilities or when it appears in a public document, the Swedish Food Agency has no possibility to delete the data.

Right to data portability

If the Swedish Food Agency processes personal data about you in order to fulfil a contract or agreement, you may in some situations be able to obtain a copy of the personal data relating to you so that you can use it elsewhere, such as for transferring the data to another data controller.

Reviewed 2024-06-10